imagine, try to live in different age era?.. ice age?.. future space? how to enter that? just try write some story, perhaps it can be movie. can anyone re-produce my story? yes. i wish i can get charity money from this story. :-) bellow is the story one, read it.
my story about Mr. Pacman, know that is ghosteater or monstereater at old pc. shapebody like ball, bumping, jumping, rolling, sliding, bouncing, spinning, running. plus two hand, two feets, he is yellow, sister are pink, and the cool bro are blue. you can produce toys like this, pop up the handfeet like turtle. dislike? just trow it and crack it become several pieces. yes ask your parrent to buy it again. :-) if exist. hmm whatever, he some kind like carnivora, wide mouth, just hunt and eat. scary is'nt? well i'm not trying tell scary story. only invisible green pacman between the leafplant.
the story began from pacman child era, what? child era? like human-life i guest. story began about his-life, just simple little home, with mom and dad brother and sis. the message is how to to learn in range era chlid to be a man (adult pac-man i means) i tell in era 90'an when he has own pc, (remain me on young era. happy happy forever.) you can sell the laptop or personal computer staton system from this point.
and add google search or any social electronic contents. :-p advertise isn it?
somehow, he become eater all of things, all from rice, vegeta, fruit, chicken,all he loves. also milk from cow :-), go ahead hug and kisses the cow, she is your second mother :-D. little pacman is like monster !!!, more evil than dog or tiger, hmm scary enough. but he try want be good man, not evil naughty bitchy man like other pacman.
in other village have dissaster (its old classic fiction story, u can guest enemy has come) in the realworld, someone eat someone, in pac world, big one eat little/weak things, cruel. you can imagine, pacman has wide mouth, walk sliding, like no gravity. bumping arround 3D X,Y,Z direction, like bubblesoap in the air (he life in unkouwn planet..perhaps poolball :D ) they plan comedown to the ballcity,.. with his troppers jumping like kangoroo, chaos.! darkscreen for a while...
other side story, Pacman got train with his father ( almost good family must do that..) try walk fast like father. soon we battle with that enemies. before they attack our city. try stronger than father, until, you can beat your fatherself :-) but in friendly compettion. the father become old,. yes new generation rise up. you pacman.! give honor, give brightcolor. pacjunior become pacman..!! have ablitiy to : able run faster, chase small it.? have power to blast something (cool like video games) example like fireball, or bowlingball. have secret powerfull weapon, after eat delicious and nutrifous fruit at jungle. (in try and error, he also got poisonus fruit that have sick several days) ask your father first this is poisonus fruit or not.learing by doing.
the funny thing, is pacman try to eat another fruit color beside yellow, than? he become sick. well if sick where we go? meet the Mr. whity pacmaball doctor.!! with grey nurses (don't affraid its not monster she good people) and brighties creamy sexy nursepacwowman (wow..) so the first thep, get in bath, wash the color, the pacman healty and back at his yellow color this is good for learn cymk color. beauty magenta sis has eat cyanida ups i means cyan fruit. and she become blue. (cyan+mag=blue) yellow+mag=red, very hot temperature, pacman eat cyan one? cyan+yellow=green, pacman like drunken master.. do not eat little cyan marbles again. grey pacman eat all of them, then? he become dark. black and death. poor grey pacman. becarefull of what your eat. after eat brush your teeth and tongue. the scene is most lovely fun with tropical rainforrest jungle, warmth, damp, and sweat. not only on mazebox, i dont like prisoned rat, be wild rat, can visit outta the the nation island. afrika, europa, india, asia, amerika. hijjack the overseas ship. how about you? yes visit our beach, bali island, java island, sumatra island, kalimantan, sulawesi, maluku, irian, we have lot of island to visit. Come to Indonesia archipelago. eat the spicies food, extreme food, wierd food, any food can found here, eat like monster. try also visit bromo mountain, kelud mountain at east java. the most complete destination. walk around, feel the atmosphere, deep breath, burned your back to story..
in bright sunny day, starting the combat, the war were began, wake up young pacman
the monster come to yours village, time to defence. you know they evil thing all weak old pacman, killed, cause not enough power to fight anymore. you the hot one. try to get yourfreedom, all younger pacman get battle (like multiplayers pacman?) well the invasion began, try to defence your land. and yes, you win !!. hurray !!!! now collect more power, to kickback his kingdom moster that always creates new ones.
the bad news, that weak monsters runaway and get charges at his nesthome. and they
come back with full power, never extinct so the decicion is we must destroy the nest.
slay them up to the nest. go ahead, attack..!!!move on !! at the high mountain !
pacman also can weak, to reveal his power he must eat the fruit, (not eat the monster !!) vegeta, get vitamis from there, (it teach child will want eat vegeta and fruit.)
just put in boliled hot water and eat it. i wish pacman become orange :-D
his friends help with bring the fruit from farm,.. yes! green pacman is farmer..! we need him. drink renjuvation recipe: boil water with burning wood branch, add sugar tree, ginger root,coconut. the pac kid also like various battle, various weapon, level and stages. able to climb up.! as usually ending stories, pacman and his friends has nest destroy, yes together is more fun. win the final battle, against the several bigs monsters. destroy the nest. huray again !!! celebrate the double win.!!! after war, life is more peacefull. story end at peace seasion.
i hope this can be cinematic electronic or anime movie. fit in 60minutes video cd. or divX cd. may be i will create in flash animated shockmovie, can u in 3D blender? sorry unable to do that. hello waltdisney ? Pixar ? paramount picture? 20centuryfox? please make my dream come true. that all or my own designed storyboard about pacman, how about u ?
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