Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Long time no research

Hello reader, I ask Apologize that i rarely post something here, i get e-mail from Histats, that no new visitor arround here, it means that my page is not good. Then the goal i must make this area not too quietly. Start to make some new stuff. Look back over my shoulder, there are no post about electronic, where am I ? First, i'm too busy with my adminitration job at office, Second honesty i'm lazy to fill story here. sorry. What can I do now?.. hmm.. look arround many broken electronic toys from my nephew. They can re-use for something usefull or back alive again. (but many fraction, crack, and damage plastic body,..) he loves mini train. with round track. soo many hotweel cars collection (several gone). any idea what gift for him ?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Camera Digital

Do u have camera digital? if yes then lets make some good photo from this stuff. Electronicaly this camera don't have film inside, only semiconduktor called CCD. Charged Couple DIsplay ? i'm not sure what inside. just use it for fun. of course i put many pic that i produce from that camera digital. see at my face book foto collection :-)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Just wanna write cool day, this is 2009 September 09th, u can write 090909 nice number.
today i have wierd feeling, i had many accident today, splash ink on my hand. Engine trouble on city bus. I friend make mistake and got angry from our bos. well just like that, long time no write here, what am i doing? still dreaming about digital clock. I wish i can make one unit and i put to my office. I seen on tv many digital clock near bedroom. minibox with light of sevensegmen display.