Projects by Classification
Project Type Comments
All projects in numerical order Includes brief description
Power Amplifiers and Accessories Power amps, supplies, indicators, soft start, etc.
Headphone Amplifiers/ Adapters Adapt power amps for headphone use, build dedicated headphone amps
Preamps and Accessories Preamps, tone controls, equalisers, phono, etc.
Crossovers and Effects Electronic (active) crossovers, limiters, etc.
Power Supplies Power supplies for preamps, power amps and power switching systems P142
Musical Instrument Guitar, bass and keyboard amps and accessories
Mixers, Meters, etc. Mixers large and small, metering amplifiers, phantom power, etc.
Digital Audio Applications Just like it says ...
Test Equipment Measurement systems, including meters, oscillators, etc. P143
Microphones and mic preamps Again, just like it says ...
Miscellaneous Anything that doesn't fit into the main categories above
Lighting A small selection of lighting effects (desk, dimmers, etc.)
Loudspeakers Subwoofer/ woofer equalisers.